Summer Road Safety

This summer is all about the road trips. Whether you are heading out on the ultimate multi-stop road trip or taking a drive to the local beach this summer, it's important to be safe on the road by taking the essential steps to prepare.

We have produced the top summer driving safety tips for you, the family and your furry sidekicks so you can properly plan and prepare your car for a road trip.

The NRMA has teamed up with Destination NSW to make sure you can see the absolute best of NSW with an off-road adventure. Check out the video below for our top tips on how to prepare your 4WD for a road trip.



Double Demerits Dates in NSW my nrma
Four days of Double Demerits for Australia Day long weekend 2025

The demerit point system provides an incentive for drivers to improve their driving behaviour, obey road rules and comply with NSW traffic laws.



Spotlight on regional road safety

Regional road travel is statistically more dangerous than driving in the city, so be prepared for different driving conditions.



Top 10 tips from a truckie
Follow these top 10 tips from truckies to drive safely around trucks.



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Why we road trip - smaller version
Why we road trip

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